Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Lee Miller at Farley Farm Exhibition

© Lee Miller Archives, England 2010. All rights reserved.

An exciting joint venture between Northgate High School and University Campus Suffolk, we are pleased to be hosting an exhibition of prints by renowned British female photographer Lee Miller. The exhibition is already on display in the foyer of the UCS Waterfront Building where it will remain until 25th March. We hope that during this time many people will be able to take advantage of it.
We are also very excited to be able to offer a small number of seats at a free lecture and slide presentation being given by Lee Miller's grand-daughter, Ami Bouhassane. It is sure to produce a really interesting insight into the life and work of the photographer.

The event will take place in the Main Lecture Theatre in the Waterfront Building, UCS from 4:30pm to 5:30pm on Tuesday 16th March; the lecture will be immediately followed by a private view of the work on display until 7pm.

As places at the talk are limited they will be offered on a first come, first served basis, with RSVP’s by Friday 12th March, please. If you are not fortunate enough to secure a place at the lecture you are still most welcome to the private view of works. Please let Mrs Shouksmith know numbers intending to come to the private view.

We hope to see you there.