Sunday, 24 October 2010

We are proud to announce that Samantha Coulstock has won the ‘outstanding achievement’ award at the prestigious Wingfield Art Awards. This unique exhibition celebrates the very best of A-Level art across Suffolk and is growing in recognition nationally. Once again, all sixth forms in the county were invited to participate and to submit a maximum of three pieces of work. Northgate High School was delighted to enter work from both Art and Photography students; Samantha was joined by former art student Alexandra Talbott and photography student Barnaby Kent whose work was also highly commended.

Commendation for Year 12 Art Students

Congratulations must go to last year’s Year 12 art students Jack Brett, Joe Davey, Bernadine Pardue and Iona Richards who were all awarded commendations at this year’s Anna Airy Award organized by the Ipswich Art Society. Their art work had been short-listed from over 200 local students aged 16-20. The work beautifully adorned the superb exhibition space at the UCS Waterfront Building overlooking Neptune Quay. Mr Darren Beattie, Head of Art & Photography commented on the outstanding level of work on show. Northgate entries looked stunning within the space and were admired by fellow students, family and artists of all ages. The open exhibition was well-attended and the work was on show to the public for a further two weeks.